South Sinai Veils
In the south of the Sinai, the Muzeina Bedouin tribes (for instance) wear burqas that differ from their northern counterparts. These veils or burqas are veils constructed by a headband, with a separately attached face panel. The veils are characterized by their length, they often show embroidery, but in a different tradition than the north.
White beads andg shells are often added to these veils, either in a fringe to the headband, or as separate tassels dangling from these headbands. These white elements serve an amuletic purpose. White is often seen as a stimulant for the production of mother milk. The shells stimulate fertility.
The veils in the South of Sinai often show a small headband. The hair of the women is often braided on the forehead and is shown from underneath the veils. Often, white beaded fringes are attached to the headband. The face panel division often shows very fine and closely applied embroidered decorative lines around the edge of the panel. Coins are also attached to the top half.